Home announcements LCO Health Center Relocation Update


13380 W Trepania Road  |  Hayward,  Wisconsin 54843-2186
Telephone: 715-638-5102
Fax: 715-634-6107

LCO Health Center Relocation Update
March 14, 2025

We are excited to announce that the LCO Health Center will begin its move to our new location on April 7th! Below is a breakdown of the anticipated reopen dates for specific departments. Please note that the following are subject to change. For the latest updates, please refer to the LCOCHC website, lcohc.com.

To ensure you have the medication and care you need during our closure, we encourage uoi to talk to your doctor about getting a <strong>60 or 90-day refill</strong> before we close. This will help ensure you are well stocked while we settle into our new space. 

For any questions regarding refills, please contact your provider or pharmacy at 715-638-5146