We, the Anishinabeg, the people of Odaawaa-Zaaga’iganiing, the Lac Courte Oreilles Band, will sustain our heritage, preserving our past, strengthening our present, and embracing our future. We will defend our inherent sovereign rights and safeguard Mother Earth. We will provide for the educational, health, social welfare, and economic stability of the present and future generations.
Native Employment Works (N.E.W.) is a federally funded employment and training program specific to federally recognized tribes. The Lac Courte Oreilles Tribal Government was awarded this grant and assigned managed of NEW under the WIOA and TANF program director.
Native American families who qualify for service under NEW must live on the LCO or within Sawyer County.
LCO Tribally enrolled member must be age 18 or older.
At the time of applying for NEW, Income must not exceed the Federal Poverty level set forth which includes unemployed, underemployed custodial parent.
Unemployed/under-employed non-custodial parent may qualify through defined by self referral, Indian Child Welfare/Sawyer County Human Services, or Tribal/County Court systems.
The Native Employment Works (NEW) program was created by amendments made to section 412(a)(2) of the Social Security Act by Public Law 104-193, the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (PRWORA). The federal regulations for the NEW program are found at 45 CFR Part 287.
Complete a NEW application leaving no blanks.
Provide all required documents and verifications with the application. This is necessary to determine eligibility to the NEW program.
After review of application and documents submitted, a decision for eligibility will be made. If not eligible, a letter of denial will be mailed to applicant within 2 days of decision.
If eligible, contact will be made to set up orientation and assessment meeting. Barriers to employment and training needs will be identified together.
Goals and objectives will be developed to assist in the participant increasing financial independence and self-sufficiency.
An Individual Employability Plan will be developed together to guide the participant in becoming self-sufficient.
It will be the responsibility of the participant to work toward the end result.
Activities such as Master Applications, Resumes, Interviewing Skills, Career Exploration, AODA counseling, etc.
Activities on how to conduct a successful job search such as contacts, appearance, preparedness, and follow up.
Activities such as Financial Planning, Family Living, Life Skills, AODA counseling, etc.
Basic Adult Education, GED, HSED
Post Secondary Education, through local educational systems
Vocational Training, Job Specific Training
13394 W Trepania Road, Hayward, WI 54843
Phone: 715-634-8934, Ext. 7411 | Fax: 715-634-0014
Office Hours: Monday – Friday | 8 am to 4:30 pm